Download a pre-configured XAMPP

The past few days I’ve been working with a fresh installation of XAMPP, used for my article Setting up XAMPP to Work With MSSQL. I realized that if you don’t have some experience with web servers, etc., it can be a bit much. What I mean is, I struggled with it a bit, and it’s something I’ve done several times over the past couple years.

That got me thinking that there was a better way, and I’ve found it.

Since XAMPP and all the packages I use are distributed under free or at least permissive licences, that means I can package them up and distribute them myself. The package can be downloaded from

What I’ve done here is set up XAMPP ready to work with your SQL Server. This particular package is configured for Windows 7 and is using XAMPP 1.8.1. Should there be demand for it, I can package up a version for Windows XP, as well. There are a few steps that will need to taken first, as I must leave a bit of the work to you. The necessary steps are also documented in the ‘readme-bendustries.txt’ file in the root xampp directory, but are fairly simple:

  1. Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime:
  2. Download and install the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client:
  3. In the file ‘psoyops_function.php’ located in \xampp\htdocs, find the connect_sqlsrv() function and change ‘COS-DDMS2’ to the name of your DDMS server.
  4. in \xampp\mysql\bin, find the file ‘my.ini’. Correct the paths on ‘socket’ in the [client] section, along with ‘socket’, ‘basedir’, ‘tmpdir’, and ‘datadir’ in the [mysqld] section. If you’ve put XAMPP on the C:\ drive, you would simply change the drive letter to ‘C’, for example.

Easy, right?

Next, in \xampp, find the program ‘xampp-control.exe’ and start Apache, MySQL, and FileZilla. Optionally, install each as a service, if you prefer they just run all the time without intervention. Now open a browser and go to http://localhost. Go to the Status link on the left, and you should see something like this:

XAMPP Status

Congratulations, you’re ready to roll.

But, should you need my help, I remain

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